Submit Report

Participant Safety

Music City Youth in the Arts (MCYA), the nonprofit governing body for Music City Drum Corps, is committed to fostering a safe, fun, and healthy environment for all members of its ensembles.

You may confidentially report misconduct by a paid employee or volunteer of Music City via the anonymous form below and it will be sent to the MCYA Compliance Officer. Providing as much information as possible will allow Music City Youth in the Arts to thoroughly investigate your concern and take necessary action. Although you may remain anonymous, we encourage you to provide confidential contact information so we can seek additional information to aid the investigation process. Alternatively, you may email any concerns or issues directly to

Music City Youth in the Arts mandates that all adults of its organization follow state and federal laws governing reporting of child abuse. If you are 18 years of age or older you are required to report all instances of possible child abuse or neglect to law enforcement and state child services. If you suspect or have knowledge of child or sexual abuse, call local police or child services of Tennessee at 877-237-0004.